Thailand discovers cause of teen pregnancy: Facebook!-NNT

February 28, 2012

[FACT comments: An American woman politician recently claimed “every sperm is a life” to deny women birth control and abortion. The US has the world’s highest rate of teen pregnancies, more than 750,000; 80% of Americans have had sex by age 18. Thailand is second, at 120,000 unplanned teen pregnancies and 200,000 unwanted babies in all annually. In addition, 400,000 women undergo illegal abortions every year. Thai online pharmacies are blocked because they sell a safe alternative—the RU-486 morning-after pill. Let’s face it: There are just too many damned people on the planet. There’s such fierce competition for basic necessities, like, say, a job, or a home, we’re like rats in a box. And we want to make more little clones to make merit for us (Thailand) or respect these ‘gifts from God’ (USA)?!? WTF! I come from a very different Thailand than today. In my Thailand, no man would dream of marrying a girl unless she was a virgin. Times have changed. The modern world spends more money on dog food than baby food. Freedom of religion also means freedom from religion. Who do you trust for prenatal advice, your politician or your doctor? Politicians need to get the hell out of our bedrooms and leave women free to manage their own lives. Sure, Facebook may make it easier for our kids to hook up. But it’s bad parenting which fails to supervise your kid on a computer. Maybe kids just need to play football with friends…a lot of football!]

Thousands of aborted foetuses in Thai temple

NESDB: Facebook partly cause of teen pregnancies 

National News Bureau of Thailand: February 28, 2012

According to the National Economic and Social Development Board (NESDB), the famous social networking site, Facebook, has partly contributed to the cause of unwanted teen pregnancies.

The NESDB has revealed that people in the age group of 18-24 are the biggest group of Facebook users, accounting for 40% of all users.

The Board said that the social media growth is partly to blame for the teen pregnancy problems as some youngsters post seducing messages or video clips online.

According to the NESDB, Thai mothers under 20 years old accounted for 14% of all mothers who delivered babies in 2009 and 2010. From this percentage, the UNICEF has placed Thailand on top of the list of teen pregnancy in Asia.

The public health survey in 2010 indicated that out of 760,000 babies born, 411,000 had died. The NESDB said that the figure shows that a number of mothers decided to have abortion.

8 Responses to “Thailand discovers cause of teen pregnancy: Facebook!-NNT”

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